September 2018 Archives

Where's Averisera?

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Every time we drive past Wychmere Harbor we look for Averisera and she's hard to find. She is under the central mast! There is a small outboard motorboat blocking our view.

End of season sailing

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We have a new carbon mainsail and a five year old, hardly ever used carbon jib. Last weekend, we got them both up together and it was nice. We didn't fuss very much with settings or controls and simply enjoyed sailing a nice boat with a beautiful rig on a stunning day.

Averisera's deck. View before departure from Stage Harbor, Chatham, MA

Our pretty but not spacious interior.

The forward hatch latches need to be replaced. Here is the first fitting of one of the two replaced latches. Thanks, Zachary!

Thanks to Doug Pope's sails and rigging outfit in Rockland, ME

Kid keeps showing up on board the boat.

20180916_112751.jpgParent and grandparent


And then we sailed into Harwichport Boat Yard and unrigged the yacht.

All Done... more

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OK. Now you see the inside of our garage. Monday the 17th.  Everything is off Averisera and in the garage. Sails are in the rafters and the rest of the goods are awaiting removal to the rafters/loft.

Our skerry is hoisted for winter storage. Such a pretty sailor. She stores nicely up there, comes down clean, ready to sail. The rig and oars are in racks on the left wall.

Soon, the Ford will be parked as usual and all will look normal.

A few days later:
Yeah, yeah... I know the place should be a little more tidy. maybe when I get a round tuit...
the ladder is how Teddi the Cat get's to her loft where she spends a lot of her day. 

All done!

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Skerry headed home from Jackknife Beach. Grandma and Z in the truck. Norm and Stos following in the Ford. A Sunday well spent.


Carbon Main

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New mainsail from Doug Pope in Rockland Maine. It is made of Carbon Sport fabric, specifically, CS/15 and CS/10. It fits. I checked the reef and full hoist. This weekend, I will sail the sail. It is pretty and light. The main it replaces is a dacron main also from Doug's loft. The dacron sail is still a good sail for cruising. The carbon sail has about half the weight and folds up into about half the size as the dacron sail. 

An amusing error. Somehow I switched to selfie....
Hard to see the camera on a sunny day.

Labor Day Weekend

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While Norm was at work driving the launch at oyster River Boat Yard, the kids went sailing. Some pics they sent us.

From Laura's camera:
Laura has an Oday 24 in Westport and she, her BF, Martin, Luke and Marc got out for some sailing and cavorting. Good job!

The Cambridge kids went out on the skerry for a sail to Little Sipson Island in Pleasant Bay and came back with this image. the kids had the challenge of "sail that boat" for this summer and they have. Good job!


Meanwhile, at home, the garden cat minded her business. No mice attacked the house. thanks, Tedi.

Averisera awaits her new mainsail.

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