July 2013 Archives

Finally, MassPort seems to be finished with the resurfacing of the pontoon at Piers Park Sailing Center and we will be able to access the boat.  Sunday, we go a ride out via the launch at the Shipyard.  Elizabeth and I measured the mainsail for a new cover.  Found the really old cover, the one we got with the boat, fit pretty well.  Off it goes to Francois to be used as a pattern for a new one.  The top image is the repair crane alongside the pontoon.  Sonars are rafted on moorings until the pontoon is ready for students and members.july12013everything 016.JPG

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Below:  Terns nest in the old pier and fish the nearby waters.  It is a scene to see them suddenly lift off their nests and swoop down on schools of minnows.  Then, in a flash, they are back on their nests and quiet.
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